
Egerton Street Baptist Church

Surname Index

Do you have a family connection with names presented here? Share information via email or online discussion forums.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Stats

Sharratt A. Sharratt1904 AdelaideSharratt
Mrs. A. Sharratt1904 Adelaide
Mr. A. Sharratt1904 Egerton
Mrs. A. Sharratt1904 Egerton
Arthur Sharratt1904 News
Miss Beatrice Sharratt1904 News
Reg. Sharratt1905 News
Miss Hilda Sharratt1905 News
Mrs. T. Sharratt1905 News
Mrs. A. Sharratt1905 News
Miss Eva Sharratt1916 Membership Roll (PG04)
Mrs. Fred Sharratt1916 Membership Roll (PG04)
Miss Madeline Sharratt1916 Membership Roll (PG04)
Mr. Wm. Sharratt1916 Membership Roll (PG04)
Miss M. Sharrett1919 Choir member
Miss M. Sharrett1920 Choir member
Camelia Madeline Sharratt1924 Calendar (Sept)
Winnie Sharratt1929 News
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharratt1954 History (P20)
Mr. & Mrs. A. Sharratt1964 History (P15)
Mr. Mike Sharratt1970 Membership Roll (A09-09)
Mrs. Claire Sharratt1970 Membership Roll (A08-20)
Miss Shirley Sharrott1970 Membership Roll (A05-21)
Miss M. Sharrett1919 Choir Address