
Forums > Surname S > Sharratt

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1) Choir1920
IP: 67.69.--.--

Miss M. Sharrett - choir member 1919 - Address: 1085 Brydges St.
Miss M. Sharratt - choir member 1920 - Address: 1085 Brydges St.
2) Frank Bax
IP: 65.93.--.--

From London City Directory (alphabetic listing):
1920pg? Sharatt, 1085 Brydges St.
  - Fred, gard, h
  - Madelaine, clk Holeproof Hosiery
1921pg? Sharatt, 1085 Brydges St.
  - Fred, car clnr GTR, h
  - Madelaine, stenog Scott Chamberlain
3) Charter
IP: 65.93.--.--

Charter members: Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharratt
4) Shirley Sharratt
IP: 65.93.--.--

My grandparents are Frederick and Anna Janet Sharratt. They had 8 children: Florence, Herbert, Hilda, Frederick, William, Thomas (my father went to Sunday School at Egerton), Eva and Madelaine (my aunt was in the choir).

Charter members "Mr. & Mrs. A Sharratt are Arthur (my grandfather's brother) and his wife Emily. They lived on Childers St. They had 8 children that would have gone to church. Arthur, Frank, Reginald, Beatrice, Leonard, Bernard, Robert and Adeline (called Dolly).

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